Edit a bundle or item

Applies to User Roles:

Service Catalog Manager

To edit a bundle or item, follow these steps:

  1. Click Service Catalog > Administration > Manage Items.
  2. In the Type field, select Bundle or Item from the drop-down list.
  3. Optionally, enter additional search criteria.
  4. Click Search.
  5. Select a record from the record list.
  6. Add or change information on the form.

    For example, add or change the following fields on the Bundle Details or Item Details tab.

    Field Description
    Name The unique name of the bundle or item. This is a mandatory field.
    Display Name The display name of the bundle or item.
    Owner Group The assignment group to which the owner of this bundle or item belongs.
    Owner The contact who is the owner of the process related to this bundle or item.
    Business Service The parent service that is supported by this bundle or item.
    Parent Categories The hierarchical parents of the bundle or item. A parent must be a category.
    Review Frequency The frequency at which the bundle or item needs to be reviewed: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly.
    Next Review Date The next review date of the bundle or item.
    Description A short description of the bundle or item.
    Detailed Description A detailed description of the bundle or item. This may include instructions on how to request the bundle or item.
    Current Phase This read-only field indicates the current phase of the item in the service lifecycle: planning phase, published phase or retired phase.
    Status The current lifecycle status of the bundle or item. Available Status values vary depending on the current workflow phase of the bundle or item:
    • Planning phase: Requirements, Defined, Analyzed, Approved, and Chartered, Designed, Developed, Built, Tested, Released and Operational.
    • Published phase: Operational, Retiring and Retired
    • Retired phase: Requirements, Analyzed, Approved and Retired.
    Information-only item check box Indicates if the bundle or item is for information only.
    Non-cart item check box Indicates if the item is a non-cart item. it does not require the user to place the service request in a cart and submit the cart.
    Restrict request to single bundle check box Indicates if only one bundle or item is allowed in each request.
    Currency The currency in which the cost of the bundle or item is specified.
    Internal Costs The costs that the internal team needs to provide the item.

    A numeric value that represents the amount of money that should be charged to the end user who requests the item. You can manually enter a numeric value or click the Cost Calculation Wizard link to select the method that should be used to calculate the actual cost of this bundle or item.

    Note The Cost Calculation Wizard link is available only in bundles.

    Recurring Charges A text box in which you can enter a numeric recurring cost for the bundle or item.
    Per Indicates how often the recurring cost payment is due: Hour, Day, Week, Month, or Year.
    Sort Order The sort order of the values in the Status list.
  7. On the Additional Details tab, type the following information:

    • Fulfillment Summary : a description of the fulfillment steps (the associated tasks, groups to which they are assigned, and so on) of the bundle or item.
    • Value Proposition: a value proposition of the service.
  8. On the Connector Details tab, click one of the following links, and then follow the wizard to update the connector configuration.

    • Change Connector: Add a connector or change the existing connector.
    • Add/Edit Information: Edit the settings of the existing connector.
    • Clear Connector: Remove the existing connector.
  9. (For a bundle only) On the Components tab, click Add Items to Bundle or Remove Items from Bundle to update the list of items in the bundle.
  10. On the Access tab, update the list of capability words that control access to the bundle or item, or leave it blank to make the bundle or item available to all users.
  11. On the Approval tab, follow the on-screen instructions to update the list of additional approvals that are required for this specific bundle or item.
  12. On the Agreements tab, add or remove SLAs to restrict access to this bundle or item only to users with the specified SLAs. For details, see Add a Service SLA to a catalog item or bundle.
  13. On the Delivery Targets tab, add or remove delivery targets for the bundle or item.
  14. On the Attachments tab, upload supporting documents for the bundle or item. The attachments can be any types of supporting documents, including SLA (Service Level Agreement), SQP (Service Quality Plan), SIP (Service Improvement Plan), SDP (Service Design Package) and so on.

    Note The supported attachment file types and sizes are customizable.

  15. (For an item only) On the User Selections tab, configure user selections for the item. For details, see Add user selections in a Service Catalog item or bundle.
  16. (For an item only) On the Activities tab, select an update type and provide a description of the update.
  17. (For an item only) On the Related Records tab, link or unlink an existing record that is related to the item, such as a change record and a knowledge record.
  18. On the Image tab, specify an image for the bundle or remove the existing image.
  19. Click Save.
  20. Click OK.