Add an external access action to the Web Services

You must have the SysAdmin capability words to use this procedure.

  1. Click Tailoring > Web Services > External Access Actions. Service Manager displays the External Access Actions form.
  2. In External Action ID, type a unique ID name.
  3. In RAD/ScriptLibrary.function, type the name of the RAD or JavaScript function you want to make available as a custom action in the Web Services API.

    Note To specify a script from the Script Library, use the following format:

    <script name>.<function name>

    For example, Approval.buildAllStatus.

  4. In Type, select RAD to if your custom action is a RAD function or select JavaScript if your custom action is a JavaScript.
  5. In Description, type the name you want custom action to have.

    Note Service Manager displays the name you type here as the Custom Action to Perform in the External Access Defintion form.

    The type you select determines what Parameters array Service Manager displays. If you select RAD, Service Manager displays an array with Parameter Names and Parameter Values fields. If you select JavaScript, Service Manager displays an array with only the Parameter Values field.

  6. Type any required input parameters of the RAD function or JavaScript in the parameters array.

    RAD functions require values in both the Parameter Names and Parameter Values fields. Each RAD function has its own list of required RAD parameters names. RAD parameter values are typically system variables such as $L.file or$L.exit. You can type RAD function parameters in any order.

    JavaScript parameters only require the Parameter Values field, but require you to type them in the same order as the JavaScript function expects them. For example, the buildAllStatus function of the Approval script expects the following parameters in the following order:

    1. record
    2. fApprovalDef
    3. keepRoleOld
    4. keepRoleNew
    5. tokens
    6. tokenToDescription
  7. Click Add to create your custom Web Services action.