Embed in an HTML frame

If you wish to embed Service Request Catalog within your corporate intranet, you can embed Service Request Catalog within standard HTML Web pages by using the FRAME html tag.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open this file with a text editor.
  2. C:\...\WEBINF\classes\applicationContext.propertie
  3. Set the value of the following parameter to true:

    src.enableFrame=ture //enables embedding of SRC within standard HTML Web pages by using the FRAME html tag.

    By default, the default value of the parameter is false, which means that the embedding Service Request Catalog in an HTML frame is disabled.

  4. Create a Web page that contains a FRAME element, and then specify the source property of the FRAME tag as the url of your Service Request Catalog upgradeation.

    <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Service Request Catalog</TITLE> </HEAD> <FRAMESET rows="25,*" cols="*"> <FRAME name="Top" src="corporateHeader.html" FRAMEborder=0 noresize scrolling=no FRAMEspacing=0 border=0> <FRAME name="Content" src="http://<domainname>:<port>/<srcDeploymentName>/secure/main.jsp" FRAMEborder=0 noresize scrolling=no FRAMEspacing=0 border=0> </FRAMESET><noframes></noframes> </HTML>

    In this example, the <domainname> placeholder represents the domain on which you upgradeed Service Request Catalog, the <port> placeholder represents the port number that was specified during upgradeation of Service Request Catalog, and the <srcDeploymentName> represents the name you used to deploy Service Request Catalog. Therefore, a complete example for a deployed upgradeation of Service Request Catalog may resemble the following:


    Note The corporateHeader.html file that is referenced in the example is an example file that your organization can create to crown the frame that contains Service Request Catalog.