Running the runDocumentImport command file

You run the command file runDocumentImport to import the documents into ITSMA Service Management. Documents successfully imported remain in the migration root directory and rejected documents are placed in _rejects.

For Windows, unDocumentImport.bat executes the following statement to import the documents.

%JAVA_HOME%/bin/java -cp %CLASS_PATH%
com.peregrine.webservice.knowledgemanagement.CreateKnowledge -host
%SC_SERVER% -port %SC_PORT% -username %SC_USER% -password
-defaultStatus %DOC_STATUS%

For UNIX, executes the following statement to import the documents.

$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -cp $CLASS_PATH
-host $SC_SERVER -port $SC_PORT -username $SC_USER -password
$SC_PASSWORD -xmlSourceDirectory $MIGRATION_DOCS_DIR -defaultStatus $DOC_STATUS