Configure the runDocumentImport.bat file

User role: System Administrator

Note The user needs execute capability.

The runDocumentImport command file is run to import documents into ITSMA Service Management. Documents successfully imported remain in the migration root directory and rejected documents are placed in _rejects.

To configure the runDocumentImport.bat file, follow these steps:

  1. Set JAVA_HOME to your jdk directory. The version must be on the support matrix.
    See HPE Support matrices on the Software Support Online site.

    SET JAVA_HOME=C:/jdk1.5.0_01
  2. Change SC_SERVER, SC_PORT, SC_USER, and SC_PASSWORD to reflect your service target.

    SET SC_SERVER=localhost
    SET SC_PORT=13080
    SET SC_USER=%1

    Note Setting the user name and password to the batch file parameters means that you do not need to store sensitive information in the batch file. The user must have the KMAdmin or SysAdmin execute capability in order to import the documents.

    For example, if SC_USER is rmorgan and SC_PASSWORD is pa$$w0rd, you can call runDocumentImport.bat like this:
    C:\> runDocumentImport.bat rmorgan pa$$w0rd
    If no SC_USER or SC_PASSWORD is defined, the default user is falcon with a blank password.

  3. Change MIGRATION_DOCS_DIR to specify location of the documents being imported.
  4. Change DOC_STATUS to default status of the imported documents.
    SET DOC_STATUS=internal
  5. Set the CLASSPATH.

    SET CLASS_PATH=./lib/activation-1.0.2.jar;./lib