Report background schedule process

You can start a background schedule process by running the sm report.export command. Make sure you have already specified the path to save the exported reports and dashboards by adding the dashboard_export_path parameter to the sm.ini file.

Note If you set too many threads for one process, you have to add the JVMOption parameter to expand the memory capacity. For example, you can start the process by running the following command:

sm -JVMOption0:-Xms1024m -JVMOption1:-Xmx1024m report.export

To check the running status of the background schedule process, click Miscellaneous > System Status.

There are six types of threads which will run:

  • report.export.misc

    • Cleans the report performance log
    • Regenerates the schedule task in 30 days
    • Moves the task from reportscheduletask to reportschedulehistory
  • report.export.distribute

    Distributes the reports or the dashboards by email or to the file server.

    Note The clean:1 parameter excludes a message from email notifications about exported reports or dashboards. By default, this message is included.

  • report.export.prepare

    Prepares the data to generate the reports and dashboards.

  • report.export

    This schedule thread will synchronize the status of the other three types of schedule threads. Restart the schedule thread if it stops responding. Make sure you set the correct maximum counts of running threads. You can change the default value of Max report-exporting threads per process and Max report-preparing threads per process from Reporting > Administration > Report Settings.

  • report.calccharts

    Scans the system every one minute to check if there is any new report or updated report for calculation.

  • timedurationdata

    Extracts the raw time stamp information from the source tables. Service Management will process the data and save the change metrics in the intermediate tables, for example, in the timeDuration4probsummary table.