Use > Service Manager Reports > My reports > Create a report

Create a report

You can create a new report from the following access points:

  • Create New Report button on the Add Content page
  • Create New Report button on the search report page
  • More option on the list detail page
  • More option on the To Do queue

To create a report from SM Reports menu, follow these steps:

  1. In the System Navigator pane, select Reporting > Create New Report.

  2. In the New Report window, complete the necessary Report properties.
  3. (Optional) If you have already created a default dashboard, click Add to Default Dashboard below the Report ID to add this report to your default dashboard.

To create a report from a list, follow these steps:

  1. Use search or advanced search to open a list of records.
  2. Click More or the More Actions icon, and select Create New Report.

    Note This option is visible when you have the report.from.list capability word. However, to successfully create a new report from list, you should be assigned with the correct roles.

  3. In the New Report window, complete the necessary Report properties.

  4. (Optional) If you have already created a default dashboard, click Add to Default Dashboard below the Report ID to add this report to your default dashboard.

Report properties

Note You must complete all fields marked with a red asterisk *.

The following fields and tabs are available both for defining a new report in the New report page and for editing an existing report in the Search Report result page.

Fields and tabs Description
Name ( *) Type a word or phrase that is a unique identifier for this report. It should be a value that makes it easy to understand the purpose of the report.

Enter a description of the report. It is helpful for other users to understand the purpose and objectives of this report. The description is displayed under the report name when you add the reports to the dashboard.

Source Data ( *) Select the file for which you want to generate this report.
Report type ( *)

Select the report type from the drop down list. For detailed information about report types and the corresponding report properties, see Report types and settings.

Report category

Select the report category from the drop down list. For detailed information about report categories, see Add a report category. You can also type a new category in the field. This category only works as a group tag to categorize your own reports. Service Management will not save this category as a real category.

Report ID The report ID is automatically assigned to the report and displayed in the Report ID field after you save your report. The Add to default dashboard button is enabled at the same time for you to add this report to the default dashboard.
Disable Report If this option is checked, this report is disabled and Service Management sends a notification to the owner of the report. For detailed information about when to disable a report, see Monitor report running status .
Use Replicated Database

If this option is checked, Service Management generates the report data from Replicated Database. You can retain the default configuration from global settings, or you can change the settings for an individual report.

Make sure that the Replicated Database is already set up and enabled before this option takes effect. If Replicated Database is not set up, an error occurs when Service Management generates this report. If Replicated Database is not enabled in sm.ini file, this option is disabled.

For details to enable Replicated Database, see Enable Replicated Database.

List/Chart/Pivot table properties

Different report types have different properties fields. Standard reports provide basic reports to display single-source data. Calculation reports provide comprehensive reports that can display both the source and calculated data. Duration reports provide the duration field reports.

All the chart types support calculation and duration reports. List and Pivot table do not support calculation and duration reports.

For detailed information about standard report types and the corresponding report properties, see Report types and settings.

For details about report calculation and time duration properties, see Report calculation chart properties and Report duration chart properties.


The default owner is the current operator. You can change the owner and set the audience of this report.

Note You need to have the privilege to change the permission. Only the Report Manager can change the report owner and the audience of their owned reports.

Advanced settings Different report types have different settings fields. For detailed information about report types and the corresponding settings, see Report types and settings.

Note When you save a report, you save the query definition that retrieves data from the database to generate a real-time report.