Use > Survey > Survey Integration > Survey user tasks > Configure the survey email settings

Configure the survey email settings

The Email Settings section of the survey definition record in ITSMA Service Management Survey Integration enables you to configure the email survey requests that are sent for surveys that use URL-based connectors.

To configure the email settings, follow these steps:

  1. Open a survey definition record by creating a new survey or by searching for an existing survey.
  2. Scroll down to the Email Settings section.
  3. Type the URL of the external survey in the External Survey URL field.
  4. Type an email subject in the Email Subject field.
  5. Type the email body text in the Email Body field. Or, click Select HTML Template to use an out-of-box template.

    Note HTML templates are only available if this option is selected in the global survey settings.

  6. To preview the email, type a value in the Test Record field, and then click Preview.

Note You can reference parameter names in the External Survey URL, Email Subject, and Email Body fields. For example, you can type "Survey for record {interactionId}" as the subject, where "{interactionId}" is a parameter for the interaction ID that triggered the survey request.