Use > Survey > Survey Integration > Survey user tasks > Configure the survey header

Configure the survey header

The Header section of the survey management form in ITSMA Service Management Survey Integration contains the survey metadata. The content of the section is dependent on whether the survey uses a URL-based or API-based connector.

Surveys that use a URL-based connector

To configure the survey header of a survey that uses a URL-based connector, follow these steps:

  1. Open a survey definition record by creating a new survey or by searching for an existing survey.
  2. The Active check-box and the following fields are populated automatically:
    • ID
    • Object
    • Current Phase
    • Connector Type
    • Owner Group
    • Name
  3. Type a value in the External Survey ID field.
  4. Type values in the Owner and Description fields, and then click Save.

Surveys that use an API-based connector

To configure the survey header of a survey that uses an API-based connector, follow these steps:

  1. Open a survey definition record by creating a new survey or by searching for an existing survey.
  2. The Active and Keep Default Connection check-boxes and the following fields are populated automatically:
    • ID
    • Object
    • Current Phase
    • Connector Type
    • Owner Group
    • Name
  3. Type a value in the External Survey ID field.
  4. Type values in the Owner and Description fields.
  5. To create a custom connection to the survey solution, follow these steps:
    1. Clear the Keep Default Connection check-box to display the Connection Parameters sub-section.
    2. Type the URL, user name, and password that are required to connect to the survey solution.
  6. Click Save.