Use > Survey > Survey Integration > Survey user tasks > Create a scheduled survey from menu

Create a scheduled survey from menu

To create a new survey in ITSMA Service Management Survey Integration, follow these steps:

  1. Click Survey Management > Scheduled Surveys > Create New Survey in the system navigator to display the Create a New Survey wizard.
  2. If there is more than one survey connector, select an external survey connector from the list. The Connector type field is populated automatically, based on your choice of connector.

  3. Select the Service Manager module on which the survey will be based from the Object drop-down list.
  4. Enter values in the Owner Group and Name fields.
  5. Click Finish to display the survey definition record.
  6. Populate all the mandatory fields in the survey definition record to configure the survey. For more information about how to configure a survey, refer to the "Related tasks" section.
  7. Click Save to create the survey record.