Help preferences

This Preferences dialog enables you to customize the way Service Management help information is displayed.

To access Help preferences, click Window > Preferences > Help.

Preference Description Default setting
Use external browser

Opens the Service Management help in your default web browser (for example, Internet Explorer). By default, Service Management opens the help in a Help View window.

Open window context help in a dynamic help view Opens window context help information in a dynamic help view. True
Open window context help in an infopop Opens window context help information in a pop-up information window. False
Open dialog context help in dialog tray Opens dialog context help information in the dialog tray. True
Open dialog context help in an infopop Opens dialog context help information in a pop-up information window. False
Show all potential hits (faster) Shows all records that fully or partially match your search criteria. True
Show only actual hits Shows only records that fully match your search criteria. False