Help Server preferences

This Preferences dialog enables you to specify your Help Server settings so that you can access the online help documentation by clicking Help > Help Contents from the Windows client. Service Management launches the Help Server using this URL: http://<Help Server host name>:<Help Server port number>/<Help Server context>.

To access Help Server preferences, click Window > Preferences > Help> Help Server.

Preference Description Default setting
Use a Help Server to access documentation

Enables you to access the online help from Service Management. When selected, this preference requires the Service Management help be deployed on a web server (for example, Apache).

For information about how to deploy the Service Management help on a web server, see Install the Help Center.

Help Server host name Specifies the host name (IP address or fully-qualified domain name) of the web server on which the Service Management help is deployed. For example, if you have deployed the help on Apache, this is the Apache web server host name. None
Help Server port number Specifies the communications port of the web server on which the help is deployed. None
Help Server context

Specifies the virtual directory name where the Service Management help is installed. It excludes the web server’s document directory path. For example, if the help is deployed in C:/Apache/2.2/htdocs/sm_help, the document directory path is C:/Apache/2.2/htdocs/ and the virtual directory name is sm_help. Therefore, the context path is sm_help.

If you use the default value, the Service Management help must be deployed in, for example, the <Apache>/htdocs/help directory.
