Log preferences

You can set log preferences to control how Service Management logs and displays messages.

To access log preferences in the Windows client, click Window > Preferences > Service Management > Logs.

Preference Description Default setting
Use a specific file If you want to use a specific log file, type the path and name of the file or browse to its location. The default log file is C:\Users\<username>\ServiceManager\workspace\.metadata\.log.
Message level for console view Choose the severity of messages that appear in the Console view. Select these logging options:

Debug, Info, Warning, and Error messages
Info, Warning, and Error messages
Warning and Error messages
Error only messages
Message level for log file Choose the severity of messages that appear in the log file.

Error only
Debug, Info, Warning, and Error messages
Info, Warning, and Error messages
Warning and Error messages
Error only
Append exception trace to log option Add the stack trace of the associated exception to the log. False