Develop > Command-Line Interfaces > opr-tls-config Command-Line Interface

opr-tls-config Command-Line Interface

You can use the opr-tls-config command-line interface (CLI) to temporarily disable or reset the TLS configuration.




opr-tls-config ‑help | ‑version | ‑reset | ‑disable | ‑secureDefault | ‑repair | ‑certificates | ‑validity


Option Description
‑help|‑h|‑? Displays a summary of the command options.
‑version|‑v Displays version information for the command.

Reverts the configuration to HTTP by removing the TLS configuration from the server. Deletes all certificates from the OMi certificate inventory.

‑disable|‑d Reverts the configuration to HTTP but does not remove the TLS configuration or certificates from the server. To re-enable HTTPS communication, select the Enable HTTPS check box in the configuration wizard. See also Configure TLS for OMi.

Resets the TLS configuration by removing the current configuration and certificates, generating new OMi certificates, and reconfiguring OMi for TLS.

‑repair Re-applies the current configuration the next time OMi is restarted. This option can be used to repair your TLS configuration if you must revert manual changes.

Lists all CA and server certificates that are currently applied in the TLS configuration. The output also includes the validity period.


Returns the remaining validity (in days) of the certificate of the current OMi server.

Exit Status

Exit Status




Successful completion of the requested operation.

No output.

Failure of the requested operation.

An error message stating why the operation failed, followed by the tool's help text.
2 Failure of the requested operation due to invalid argument on the command line. An error message stating why the operation failed, followed by the tool's help text.


To run opr-tls-config, the same permissions as for the user installing OMi are required:

  • Windows: administrative privileges

  • Linux: root user


This section contains a number of examples you can use as a starting point for developing your own opr-tls-config commands.

  • Revert the configuration to HTTP but do not remove the TLS configuration or certificates from the server:

    opr-tls-config.bat ‑disable

  • Reset the TLS configuration by removing the current configuration and certificates, generating new OMi certificates, and reconfiguring OMi for TLS:

    ./ ‑secureDefault