Develop > Automate operator functions and event change detection > RestWsUtil Command-Line Interface

RestWsUtil Command-Line Interface

The RestWsUtil command-line interface enables you to:

  • Carry out simple testing of the Event Web Service.

  • Perform the four basic operations: create, read, update and delete.

    Create and update require an input file with the payload to send to the REST web service. Read and delete do not set the payload.




RestWsUtil -help | -version | -verbose| <CONNECTION_INFO> | <operation>


Exit Status

Exit Status




Successful completion of the requested operation

No output.

Failure of the requested operation

An error message stating why the operation failed, followed by the tool's help text.

HTTP Redirection (300-399)

An error message stating the HTTP error number and description.

For more information about HTTP error status values, see publicly available HTTP documentation.


HTTP Client Error (400-499)


HTTP Internal Server Error (500-599)


The utility uses basic authentication and has parameters to specify a username and password.

Note The appropriate identity assurance software, such as ActivIdentity, must be installed to be able to authenticate using a smart card when executing the RestWsUtil CLI.

When connecting to OMi servers using Remote Desktop Connections, the client system must also have the appropriate identity assurance software, such as ActivIdentity, installed to be able to authenticate using a smart card attached to the client system when executing the RestWsUtil CLI remotely.

In addition, in the Remote Desktop Connections dialog box, select More Show Options > Local Resources > More to open the Local devices and resources dialog box. Ensure that the Smart Cards check box is selected.

Non-admin users also need the following file permissions to operate this command-line tool:

File Windows Permissions Linux Permissions
<OMi_HOME>/conf/TopazInfra.ini read r
<OMi_HOME>/log/opr-clis.log full control rw


Note: This file is not available on gateway server systems.
full control rw
<OMi_HOME>/conf/ read r
<OMi_HOME>/conf/ read r


Some examples of usage of the RestWsUtil CLI follow.