Develop > Populate the RTSM > Mapping Engine and Syntax > XPath Navigation > XPath Expressions and Example Values

XPath Expressions and Example Values

The following table lists typical XPath expressions and provides an example for each expression.

XPath Expression




Caption from CI

PRD server 01


Caption from CI

PRD server 01


Caption of the root (database) CIs



Selects the caption from the parent of the parent CI



Selects the parent relation type



Selects the parent of the parent type



Selects type of the root CI


//.[type=’WINOSSPI: Infrastructure’]/Caption

Selects the caption of all CIs of type WINOSSPI: Infrastructure

BLANTONS: Infrastructure


Selects the caption of all CIs with a hosted_on dependency



Selects the caption of all CIs that have dependencies


Note If the Xpath expression selects a node below the starting database node, the “..” reads back one step. The following expression reads down to the node db and then links back to the starting database node.


However, if the node db is the starting node, the expression ../.. follows the containment links of the node db, which is not the dependency relation that is shown in this example. The result depends on the parent container of the node, which is a different hierarchy.