Federation Framework Overview


  • The term relationship is equivalent to the term link.

  • The term CI is equivalent to the term object.

  • A graph is a collection of nodes and links.

The Federation Framework functionality uses an API to retrieve information from federated sources. The Federation Framework provides three main capabilities:

  • Federation on the fly. All queries are run over original data repositories and results are built on the fly in the RTSM.

  • Population. Populates data (topological data and CI properties) to the RTSM from an external data source.

  • Data Push. Pushes data (topological data and CI properties) from the local RTSM to a remote data source.

All action types require an adapter for each data repository, which can provide the specific capabilities of the data repository and retrieve and/or update the required data. Every request to the data repository is made through its adapter.