Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Inventory Discovery > File Information to Store tab > Select Files to Process Dialog Box

File Information to Store tab > Select Files to Process Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to select files and file attributes to store after scanning.

To access

Select Scanner Generator wizard > Software Details page > File Scanning tab > File Information to Store tab, and click Add .

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Storage Determines whether the filtered file information is to be stored or discarded.

Determines the type of files to include in the filter. The filter options differ depending on the file type selected here.

  • Files. Filters all files.
  • Files inside Archives. Filters only archived files.
  • Directories. Filters only directory files.
Options (Files)

When Type > Files is selected, the following filter options are available:

  • Identified as Executable. Files that are identified as any kind of executable (such as .exe and .com).

    Note This takes effect only if the Identify File Type option in the File Identification sub-tab is selected.

  • Has UNIX or Mac Executable Attribute. UNIX allows three different levels of access to a file for three different categories of users: owner, group, and other.

    • Read. View the file or directory without making changes.
    • Write. Make changes to the file or directory
    • Execute. Execute the file or list files in a directory.

    This option instructs the scanner to store or discard files that have executable file access in any of the user categories (namely, owner, group or other.)

  • Identified as Archives. Files that are identified as compressed, such as .zip, .lzh.

    Note This takes effect only if the Identify File Type option on the File Identification sub-tab is selected.

  • Scanned (i.e. Not Ignored). Includes all files that are not ignored on the File Scanning tab.

  • Matches Wildcard Mask(s). Includes files that match the wildcards specified here.

    • Case-sensitive match. Includes all files that match regardless of case.

      Available: When Matches Wildcard Mask(s) is selected.


  • All of the selected options are OR-ed together; that is, the entry is considered a match if any of the selected entries match.
  • The order and content of these options can affect scanning speed and function significantly. If the default is Discard, and a Store - Identified as executable entry is included, all files have to be scanned before the scanner can determine if they are to be discarded.
Options (Files Inside Archives)

When Type > Files Inside Archives is selected, the following filter options are available:

  • Matches Wildcard mask(s). Includes archived files that match the wildcards specified here

    • Case Sensitive Match. Includes all files that match regardless of case.

      Available: When Matches Wildcard mask(s) is selected.

Note Files discarded in this way are not scanned either, and a wildcard filter can speed up the scanning process.

Options (Directories)

When Type > Directories is selected, the following filter options are available:

  • Named. It this option is selected, the directory name specified in the entry field must match 100% (however, it is not case-sensitive) in order for a match to be established. For windows directories, the directory name must include the drive letter. The path wildcards * and ? can be used for matching the directory name. The root directory \ or / cannot be excluded in this way.

    For example, \Private would match any directory where a directory starts with Private

  • Where Name Contains. If this option is selected, the name specified in the entry field is a partial string; any directory containing this string in its name is considered a match.

    For example, Temporary would match any directory with Temporary anywhere in the name.

  • Case Sensitive Match. For either of the directory options, includes all directories that match regardless of case.

  • Include Subdirectories . For either of the directory options, includes subdirectories of matching entries as well. This is particularly useful for discarding entire directory trees, such as recycle folders, temporary Internet files and private directories.


  • The contents of filtered directories are not stored in the scan file. If the Do not store empty directories option (File Information to Store tab) is selected, filtered directories are considered to be empty and are not stored in the scan file either. If this option is not selected, the filtered directories are represented in the Directories and Files tab of the Viewer application by a No entry icon.
  • Directories are filtered prior to scanning (that is, directories that are not stored are not scanned at all). Consequently, directory filters may speed up scanning.