How to View the Status of AM and SM Integration Jobs

This task describes how to view the status of Asset Manager (AM) and Service Manager (SM) integration jobs. You need to perform the following steps on the Data Flow Probe JMX console.

  1. Launch the web browser and enter the following address:

    http://<machine name or IP address>.<domain_name>:1977/

    where <machine name or IP address> is the machine on which the Data Flow Probe is installed. You may have to log in with the user name and password.

  2. Click the Data Flow Probe JMX link.
  3. Click the Local_<machine name or IP address> > type=IntegrationService link.

  4. Invoke one of the following methods according to your needs:

    • forceRefreshAll. This method loads the log files for both AM and SM integration jobs.
    • listAMIntegrationJobByName. This method loads the log files for AM integration jobs.
    • listSMIntegrationJobByAdapterName. This method loads the log files for SM integration jobs.


    • If the total size of the log files that belong to the specified adapter is not bigger than the specified size, all these log files will be loaded. Otherwise, the method only loads the log files that are within the specified days and in total within the specified size.
    • If you do not specify the adapter name, the method processes the log files of all adapters and apply the limitations for size and days similarly. For the forceRefreshAll method, the default values (200 MB and 7 days) are applied for AM and SM in this manner separately.

    • If you do not specify the Max log size or Max days of log history field, these default values are applied respectively: 200 (MB), 7 (days). The maximum values for these fields are 200 (MB) and 30 (days). If you specify a larger value, the maximum value will be applied. The default values can be modified in the file under the <Probe_installation_folder>\conf\integration_progress\.
    • You must invoke one of these methods before you can successfully invoke the methods in the following step. Additionally, in the result of this method, you can see the values of Index and Query name, which are the required parameters of the methods in the following step.
  5. Go back and invoke one of the following methods according to your needs:

    Method Description

    This method displays the detailed information of the SM integration job that has the specified index.

    You must invoke listSMIntegrationJobByAdapterName or forceRefreshAll in the previous step.


    This method displays the detailed information of the AM integration job that has the specified query name and index.

    You must invoke listSMIntegrationJobByAdapterName or forceRefreshAll in the previous step.


    This method displays the detailed information of the AM integration job that has the specified index.

    You must invoke listSMIntegrationJobByAdapterName or forceRefreshAll in the previous step.


    • In the Index field, you can only specify an index number that is returned in Step 4. Otherwise, these methods will result in an error.
    • If you do not invoke any method in Step 5 in 20 minutes, the log files loaded in Step 4 will be cleared from memory. After that, you have to perform Step 4 again.