New/Edit Range Dialog Box

Enables you to set network ranges at domain level for management zones. The results are retrieved from the addresses in the range you define. You can also define IP addresses that must be excluded from a range.

To access
  1. Select Admin > RTSM Administration > Data Flow Management > Universal Discovery > Zone-Based Discovery tab, and then click New Management Zone or select an existing Management Zone and click Edit .
  2. In the Add/Edit Management Zone dialog box, go to the Details tab, select Define partial ranges on domains for Ranges Method.
  3. In the <Define Domain Ranges area>, go to Domains > <Domain> in the Domains tree, and in the right pane click the New Range  or Edit Range button.
Important information

It will not check whether the new range is also defined at probe level. Only valid IPs could trigger the related activities to perform discovery.

Relevant tasks

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
IPv4/6 Enables you to define the IP range in IPv4 or IPv6 format.
Definition Type
  • IP Range. (IPv4 format only) Enables you to define an IP address range for the probe/cluster. You define a start IP address and an end IP address.

  • CIDR. Enables you to define an address range using the CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation, where each IP address has a network prefix that identifies either an aggregation of network gateways or an individual gateway. The length of the network prefix is also specified as part of the IP address and varies depending on the number of bits that are needed.

Available: When creating a new range only


Enables you to select a range over which domain a probe or cluster should perform discovery.

Description (Optional)

A description about the selected range.


  • Maximum number of characters allowed: 150

  • No new lines or tabs may be inserted

Excluded IP Ranges

Enables you to define a range of IP addresses to exclude from the full network range specified above.


  • The rules for entering an excluded range are the same as for entering a range. For details, see Range above.

  • The excluded range must be defined in the same format (IPv4/IPv6) as the full network range.
  • Even when a network range is defined using CIDR notation, the excluded ranges can still only be defined in <start_ip_address> – <end_ip_address> format.

New Excluded IP Range . Enables you to define a range of IP addresses to exclude from the full range, and enter a description about the excluded range if desired.

Delete Excluded IP Range . Deletes an excluded IP range.

Edit Excluded IP Range . Enables you to edit a defined excluded IP range.


You can divide a network range into several sub-ranges.

For example, if the range is –

and you define three excluded ranges:

  • –
  • –
  • –

the Universal Discovery is performed over:

  • –
  • –
  • –
  • –