Administer > RTSM > RTSM Modeling > Modeling > Enrichment Manager > Query Node/Relationship Definition Dialog Box

Query Node/Relationship Definition Dialog Box

This dialog box displays the attributes of the selected query node/relationship. The key attributes and the required attributes of the selected query node appear in bold.

To access Right-click a query node or relationship when in Enrichment mode (select Enrichment from the Query/Enrichment drop-down list at the top of the Enrichment Manager page) and select Update Relationship/Query Node.
Important information

Use an Enrichment rule to update the value of CI attributes in the RTSM, or to add data to attributes that currently do not have values. You can use this option, for example, for simultaneously adding a note to all CI instances.

You must fill in the value of the key attributes and the required attributes of the Enrichment query node. The method you use to define these values determines the number of instances created.

If you enter a dynamic value, you can create numerous instances. For example, entering the dynamic value of a host_key for the CIT Node or an IP address attribute for the CIT IpAddress.

Relevant tasks Define an Enrichment Rule – Scenario
See also