Administer > RTSM > RTSM Modeling > Modeling > IT Universe Manager > Relationship Dialog Box

Relationship Dialog Box

This page enables you to define the relationship between the new CI and the CI selected in the view, as well as the properties of the relationship.

To access Click Relationship from the New Related CI dialog box.
Important information This page only appears for new related CIs.

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Allow CI Update When the value is set to true, the DFM process automatically updates the relationship.
CI Definition CI Definition. Returns to the CI properties mode of the dialog box.
Created By The user name of the administrator who manually created the relationship, where applicable.
Create Time The date and time when the relationship was created.
Description A description of the relationship.
Direction Select the relationship direction from the drop-down box.
Enable Aging

If a CI or relationship is not updated or refreshed over a period of time (for example, a CI is not rediscovered by DFM and no manual update occurs), an aging mechanism deletes the CI from the RTSM. For details, see The Aging Mechanism Overview.

True: the aging mechanism is enabled for this relationship.

False: the aging mechanism is disabled for this relationship.

The default value is determined by the default value of the Enable Aging attribute of the CI type.


  • If the aging mechanism is disabled in Aging Status, this field is ignored.

  • This field is displayed for certain relationships only.

  • You can change the default value for all new relationships of this type by editing the default value of the Enable Aging attribute for this relationship type. For details, see Enable and Run the Aging Mechanism.

Last Access Time

The time that the relationship was last accessed, whether when being updated or being discovered by DFM. This field is only displayed for certain relationships.

This parameter is used by the aging mechanism. For details, see CI Lifecycle and the Aging Mechanism.


When the value is set to true, the child CI is dominant when the percentage rule is used to calculate status for the parent CI. If the CI has low status, the parent must take the child CI status, overriding the percentage rule calculation if necessary. This is useful to give emphasis to an important CI. For example, you might want to define Must for a database CI, so that status is critical all the way up the subtree if the database falls, regardless of the status of the other CIs in the subtree.

The Must status defined for a relationship applies to that relationship only – it is not used in any other relationships of the child CI.

Name The name of the CI.
Network Address Defined only for route links. Indicates the destination network address to which this route is configured.
Note Enables you to enter other information about the CI.
Origin An ID for the source that automatically created the relationship, or the application where the relationship was created.

Enables you to define the type of relationship that is created between the two CIs.

Note If you receive an error message about a lack of reconciliation data when you create a CI, use either a Composition or Containment relationship. You can change the relationship to a different type after you create the CI.

Source CI The name of the CI on the first side of the relationship. This is the CI that you selected in the view.
Target CI The name of the CI on the second side of the relationship. This is the new CI that you are creating.
Updated By The user name of the administrator who updated the relationship properties.
Update Time The date and time when the CI properties were last updated.
User Label Enables you to define a display label for the relationship.

When a weight value is entered, the child CI is given more weight in percentage calculations, when the percentage rule is used to calculate status for the parent CI. For example, if a child CI is given a weight of 3, then it has three times more impact on the parent status calculation than its unweighted siblings.

The weight defined for a relationship applies to that relationship only – it is not used in any other relationships of the child CI.