Administer > RTSM > RTSM Modeling > Modeling > Modeling Studio > Save View/Template/Perspective Dialog Box

Save View/Template/Perspective Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to save a new pattern view, template-based view, perspective-based view, template, or perspective.

To access

In the Modeling Studio, click the Save button when defining a new pattern view, template-based view, perspective-based view, template, or perspective.

See also

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element (A-Z) Description
New Folder. Creates a new folder in the resource tree.
Delete. Deletes the selected resource from the RTSM.
Refresh. Refreshes the resource tree.
Expand All. Expands all the folders in the resource tree.
Collapse All. Collapses all the folders in the resource tree.
Find Next. Goes to the next occurrence of the selected search phrase in the tree.
Find Previous. Goes to the previous occurrence of the selected search phrase in the tree.
Highlight All. Highlights all occurrences of the search phrase in the tree.
<Resource tree> Select a folder in the tree in which to save the view, template, or perspective.
Find Enter a folder name or a portion of a name in the Find box to locate a folder in the list.
New query

Select New query if the view is based on a new TQL query.

Note This field is not relevant for template-based views and perspective-based views.

View Name Enter the name of the new view, template, or perspective.