Toolbar Options

The following table contains a description of each Topology Map toolbar option, organized alphabetically.

Note These toolbar options are relevant for RTSM applications.

Button Option Name Use This Option to...

Additions Count

Calculate the number of instances that are created as a result of an Enrichment Rule. The number of TQL query node instances and relationships that are created appear next to the Enrichment query nodes/relationships, as seen in the figure below.

Note This option appears on the toolbar in Enrichment Manager only.

  Advanced Pane

Toggle between hiding and displaying the Advanced Pane at the bottom center of the screen.

To access: Select View > Advanced Pane.

Calculate Query Result Count Calculate the number of instances found for each TQL query node/relationship.
Change Label Length/Properties

Enter the maximum number of characters that the labels should contain.

To access: In IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio, select Layout > Change Label Properties. In the other managers, select Layout > Change Label Length.

  CI Types Tree

Toggle between hiding and displaying the CI Type Selector at the right of the screen.

To access: Select View > CI Types Tree.

Note In the Modeling Studio, this option is called CI Types.

Create Relationship

In most managers, create a relationship between two existing TQL query nodes. For details, see Add Query Nodes and Relationships to a TQL Query.

In IT Universe Manager, create a relationship between existing CIs. For details, see Attaching Existing CIs.

Delete Selected Item(s) Delete a CI from IT Universe Manager or a TQL query node from Impact Analysis Manager or Enrichment Manager.
Drag Map

Drag the view.

To access: Open the drop-down menu in the Mode box or select View > Drag Map. In IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio, select Layout > Dragging Mode.

Drill Down One Layer

Move down one level in the topology map. This option is enabled only if there is an additional CI layer below it, created by setting the hierarchy of the view. For details on setting the hierarchy, see Setting the View Hierarchy.

Note This option appears only in IT Universe Manager.

Enable/Disable Related CIs Retrieval

Toggle between disabling and enabling the redrawing of the topology map with related CIs when selecting a new CI in the CI Selector.

Note This option appears only in IT Universe Manager in the Related CIs tab.

  Entities Tree

Toggle between hiding and displaying the manager specific entities tree at the left of the screen.

To access: Select View > Entities Tree.

Note In the Modeling Studio, each of the tabs of the Left pane (Resources, CI Types, CI Selector) is listed as a separate option.

Export Map to Image

Save the topology map to a file. For details, see Export Map to Image Dialog Box.

To access: Select Operations > Export Map to Image.

Fit to Window

Fit the complete map in the pane.

To access: Select Layout > Fit to Window.

  Generate Direct Link

Generate a direct link to a view or CI.

To access: Select Edit > Generate Direct Link.

Go Up One Layer

Move up one level in the topology map. This option is enabled only if there is an additional CI layer above it, created by setting the hierarchy of the view. For details on setting the hierarchy, see Setting the View Hierarchy.

Note This option appears only in IT Universe Manager.

Hide All Inheritance From Map

Toggle between showing and hiding Inheritance_f relationships and their connecting query nodes.

To access: Select Layout > Hide All Inheritance From Map.

Note This option is only active on the toolbar in CI Type Manager.

Hide All Query Node Labels

Toggle between showing or hiding the CI/CIT/query node/pattern labels.

To access: Select Layout > Hide All Query Node Labels.

Note This option is not available in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.

Hide All Relationship Labels

Toggle between showing or hiding the relationship labels.

To access: Select Layout > Hide All Relationship Labels.

Note This option is called Hide edges' labels in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.

Hide All Relationships

Toggle between showing and hiding the relationships in the displayed map.

To access: Select Layout > Hide All Relationships.

Note This option is not available in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.

Hide/Show Get Related CIs pane

Toggle between hiding and displaying the Get Related CIs pane.

Note This option appears only in IT Universe Manager in the Related CIs tab.

Interactive Zoom
  • Decrease the view magnification by clicking and pushing the pointer upwards.

  • Magnify the view by clicking and pulling the pointer downwards.

To access: Open the drop-down menu in the Mode box or select View > Interactive Zoom.

Note This option is not available in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.



Select the layout display from the list. The options are:

  • Hierarchical Layout. Enables you to display the precedence relations in the topology map.

  • Hierarchical Layout with Orthogonal Routing. Displays a hierarchical layout with edges composed exclusively of horizontal and vertical lines, forming right angles where they intersect.
  • Symmetric Layout. Enables you to display clear representations of complex networks.

  • Circular Layout. Groups a graph's nodes into groups or clusters.

  • Orthogonal Layout. Displays a layout with edges composed exclusively of horizontal and vertical lines, forming right angles where they intersect.

For further details about each of the options, see Layout Properties Dialog Box.

Note These layout options are only relevant for Enrichment Manager, CIT Manager, and Impact Analysis Manager.


Layout Properties

Define the view's layer layout, by assigning positions for the query nodes and relationships of the view. For details, see Layout Properties Dialog Box.

To access: Select Layout > Layout Properties.

  Log Configuration

Open the Log Configuration dialog box.

To access: Select Tools > Log Configuration.

Map overview

Open a small box with a copy of the topology map. This is useful in large views when zooming in.

To access: Select Layout > Map Overview. In IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio, select Layout > Show Map Overview.

Maximize Workspace/Restore Workspace Toggle between the regular display and a full-screen display of the topology map.

Take the pointer to the next connected CI/CIT/TQL query node in a clockwise direction.

  • Left-click to move in a clockwise direction.

  • Right-click to point to the next CI/CIT/query node/pattern in a clockwise direction.

To access: Open the drop-down menu in the Mode box or select View > Navigation.


  • You can use this option only on CI/CIT/query nodes/patterns that are connected by relationships.
  • This option is not available in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.

New CI

Define a new unrelated CI. For details, see Working with CIs.

Note This option appears on the toolbar in IT Universe Manager only.

New Related CI

Define a new related CI. For details, see Working with CIs.

Note This option appears on the toolbar in IT Universe Manager only.

Place in Center

Place the selected CI/CIT/query nodes/pattern in the center of the map.

To access: Select Layout > Place in Center.

Note This option is not available in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.


Print the contents of the topology map. For details, see Print Dialog Box.

To access: Select Operations > Print...

  Print Preview

Preview the contents of the map before printing.

To access: Select Operations > Print Preview.

  Print Setup

Define print settings for printing the topology map. For details, see Print Setup Dialog Box.

To access: Select Operations > Print Setup...

Remove Enrichment Results

Remove the instances created from an Enrichment rule from the RTSM.

Note This option appears on the toolbar in Enrichment Manager only.

  Screen Capture

Take a snapshot of the screen using the Screen Capture tool.

To access: Select Tools > Screen Capture.


Select a CI/CIT/TQL query node or multiple CIs/CITs/TQL query nodes.

To access: Open the drop-down menu in the Mode box or select View > Select. In IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio, select Layout > Selection Mode.

Select All

Select all the CIs and relationships in a selected layer.

To access: Select Edit > Select All.

Note This option is not available in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.

Select All Query Nodes

Select all the query nodes in a selected layer.

To access: Select Edit > Select All Query Nodes.

Note This option is not available in IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio.

Select Columns

Enables you to select the columns to be displayed. For details, see Select Columns Dialog Box.

Note This option is displayed in Text mode of IT Universe Manager only.

Set Change Timeframe

Open the Change Timeframe dialog box, which enables you to set the period for the display of added or changed CI indicators.

Note This option appears on the toolbar in IT Universe Manager only.

Show Candidates for Deletion

Identify the CIs in the current view which are candidates for deletion.

Note This option appears on the toolbar in IT Universe Manager only.

Show Schedule Info

Display the scheduling information for the selected job. For details, see Discovery Scheduler Dialog Box.

Note This option appears on the toolbar in Data Flow Management > Discovery Module/Jobs > Dependency Map tab. For details, see Discovery Module/Jobs – Dependency Map Tab.

Sort Column Content

Enables you to set the order of the visible columns. For details, see Sort Column Content Dialog Box.

Note This option is displayed in Text mode of IT Universe Manager only.


Straightens any selected relationship between two query nodes that has angles.

To access: Select Layout > Straighten.

Note This option is only available in Enrichment Manager and Impact Analysis Manager.

  User Preferences

Opens the User Preferences dialog box which enables you to reset warning message preferences. For details, see User Preferences Dialog Box.

To access: Select Tools > User Preferences.

  User Profile

Opens the User Profile dialog box which displays the user details for the user currently logged in.

To access: Select Tools > User Profile

Zoom In

Zoom in on a specific section of the topology map by clicking and drawing a selection rectangle around the part to magnify. The area you select is displayed at the highest percentage that fits in the topology map.

To access: Open the drop-down menu in the Mode box or select View > Zoom In. In IT Universe Manager and the Modeling Studio, select Layout > Zoom in.