Install > Deploy the OMi Virtual Appliance > Changing the Passwords

Changing the Passwords

For details on how to change the passwords, see the following sections:

Changing the User Passwords for the Embedded PostgreSQL Database

To change the user passwords for the embedded PostgreSQL database, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure OMi is not running.
  2. Connect to the embedded PostgreSQL database:

    /opt/HP/BSM/pgsql/bin/psql –U postgres –p 5433
  3. Change the password of the postgres database user:

    alter role postgres with encrypted password '<new password>';

    Note The default password is installed.

  4. Change the password of the hpbsm database user:

    alter role hpbsm with encrypted password '<new password>';

    Note The default password is installed.

  5. Edit the /customizeOMiVA/postgres.xml response file by changing all instances of the old password with the new one.
  6. Reconfigure OMi:

    /opt/HP/BSM/bin/ /customizeOMiVA/postgres.xml
  7. Start OMi.

Changing the JMX Password

Note Changing the JMX password affects both the OMi and RTSM JMX consoles.

To change the JMX password, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure OMi is not running.

  2. In the /customizeOMiVA/postgres.xml file, enter the administrator passwords for logging on to OMi and the JMX console.

    If you used the <OMi_HOME>/bin/encrypt-password tool to encrypt the password, set isEncrypted to true and enter the encrypted password as the value.

    1. Set the password for the OMi administrator (admin) in the following line:

      <property isEncrypted="false" key="adminPassword" value="<admin password>"/>

      Note The default password is admin.

    2. Set the password for the OMi administrator (admin) for the JMX console in the following line:

      <property isEncrypted="false" key="jmxPassword" value="<JMX password>"/>

      Note This password is valid only for the current system. The default password is admin.

  3. Reconfigure OMi:

    /opt/HP/BSM/bin/ /customizeOMiVA/postgres.xml
  4. Start OMi.