Use > Change Management > Change Management workflows and user tasks > Relate a change to another record

Relate a change to another record

Applies to User Roles:

Service Desk Agent, Problem Manager, Change Coordinator

You can relate a change record to another existing or new Incident, Problem, Known Error, Request, or Change record. When a record is related to a change, the system tracks the history of this activity. This includes the changes that are related or dropped and the history of phase changes and transitions.

In the Related Records section, you can view the current related records, associate an existing record with the change record, or create a new record that is automatically related to the change being viewed. When you associate a change record with another record, note the ID number of that record so you can verify it in the Related Records section.

To relate a change record to an existing record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Management > Search Changes.
  2. Locate the change record that you want to relate to another existing record.
  3. On the Related Records tab, select one of the following link types:

    • Caused By Changes: indicates that the current change is caused by the change it will be linked to.
    • Related Changes: indicates that the current change is related to the change it will be linked to.
    • Caused By Incidents: indicates the current change is caused by the incident it will be linked to.
    • Related Incidents: indicates the current change is related to the incident it will be linked to.
    • Related Requests: indicates the current change is related to the request it will be linked to.
    • Caused Known Errors: indicates the current change will cause the known error it will be linked to.
    • Caused Problems: indicates the current change will cause the problem it will be linked to.
    • Solved Known Errors: indicates the current change will solve the known error it will be linked to.
    • Solved Problems: indicates the current change will solve the problem it will be linked to.
  4. Click Link Existing Record.

    Service Manager opens a list of records according to the link type you selected. For example, if you selected Related Incidents, a list of incident records opens.

  5. Select a record from the list. Service Manager automatically adds the selected record to the Related Records list.
  6. Click Save.

To relate a change record to a new record, follow these steps:

  1. Click Change Management > Search Changes.
  2. Locate the change record that you want to relate to another new record.
  3. On the Related Records tab, select a link type.

  4. Click Link New Record.

  5. Follow the new record creation process based the selected link type to create a new record. The new record is automatically linked to the current change record once created.