Dashboard Display

Dashboard administrators can create role-based workspaces for different types of senior management users.

The Dashboard administrator sets up pages that include components that are of interest to specific users or groups of users. For each page, the administrator defines the layout of components on the page, and the interaction of the page components with one another.

Note When configuring the layout of a page, you can repeatedly split the layout up to 4 times (to produce up to 16 boxes).

ClosedTo access:

Close all tabs.

ClosedDisplay the Out-of-the-Box Pages

ITBA provides out-of-the-box pages that you can display in Dashboard.

  1. In Dashboard, click the Page Gallery button in the Dashboard toolbar. The Page Gallery dialog box opens and displays the list of the out-of-the-box pages.

  2. Double-click the relevant page or drag it to the Dashboard and close the Page Gallery dialog box. Out-of-the-box pages and user-defined pages are displayed. For details about the out-of-the-box pages, see Out-of-the-box Dashboard Pages Reference.

ClosedCreate Pages

Pages are collections of components that are displayed together and interact with one another. You can open existing pages from the Page Gallery. The Page Gallery displays existing pages grouped by categories.

You can add new pages to the Dashboard. For details, see Dashboard Page.

Note The administrator configures the Max number of open pages and the Maximum number of active pages, so if the user opens 5 pages and the maximum number of open pages is set at 3, Dashboard deactivates the 2 least viewed pages to save on browser memory. The pages are reactivated as soon as they are selected by the viewer. The default is unlimited and the administrator configures these settings in Admin > Settings > Pages. For details, see Settings - Dashboard Settings

ClosedConfigure a Page Layout

The layout refers to how components are arranged on a page; components can be arranged horizontally, vertically, and in tabs. For details, see Page Layout and Components.

Note  When configuring the layout of a page, you can repeatedly split the layout up to 4 times (to produce up to 16 boxes).

ClosedCustomize Pages by Adding or Removing Components

These are areas on a page that display information relevant to Dashboard users’ business tasks. The Component Gallery contains application components that can be used within the Dashboard, grouped by their source applications.

You can:

Note  You can add to a page, as many components as you want. The weight of the component may impact the browser performance.

ClosedSet Up Wiring Between Components on a Page

Within a page, components can pass information to one another, so that one component can react to a change in another.

Example You can set up a page so that if you select a KPI in one component, the other components on the page focus on that KPI as well. Default pages have predefined wiring.

You can define wiring for non-out-of-the-box pages. For details, see Wiring Between Components.

ClosedPersonalize the Dashboard

You can personalize the Dashboard by adding a picture of the owner. For details, see Personalize a Dashboard Page.