Develop > Customize KPIs, Metrics, Pages, and More > Create the Dashboard Contents in the Studio

Create the Dashboard Contents in the Studio

You use the Studio to create and manage all the elements that are displayed on the Dashboard, as well as their interactions with each other: wiring, drill downs, and other features.

The Executive Dashboard includes Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, KPIs, and Metrics.

ClosedTo access:

Click the STUDIO tab.

ClosedAbout the Studio

The Studio is the environment you use to build the Dashboard display.

The Studio includes:

  • The KPI Library pane that is a repository of the Scorecard, Perspective, Objective, KPI, and Metric templates, and of Folders.
  • The Active KPIs pane that shows all the active Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, KPIs, and Metrics. You can select to display a subset of these items in the Dashboard.
  • The Configuration details tab that presents the configuration of the selected element, and a Calculation tab that presents the calculation configuration of the selected KPI or Metric.

To create the display you must first activate out-of-the-box templates by moving them from the KPIs Library pane to the Active KPIs pane, you can create your own elements directly in the Active KPIs pane, or you can upload and activate a CAP. For task details, see Activate Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, Metrics, or KPIs Using Templates, Create Active Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, Metrics, or KPIs or Data Management - Activate CAPs

Note When in ITBA, you navigate to another tab and then return to the Studio, the display is not automatically refreshed. To refresh the display, click in the toolbar of the Active KPIs or KPI Templates pane.

ClosedAbout Templates

Out-of-the-box templates of Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, KPIs, and Metrics are available in the KPI Library pane.

The pane also includes out-of-the-box Folders.

The templates are built to represent the most common business facets of an enterprise.

For details, see About Templates.

ClosedAbout the KPI Library

The KPI Library is part of the Studio. It provides out-of-the-box Scorecard, Perspective, Objective, KPI, and Metric templates, as well as Folders.

Scorecard templates and their contents represent recommendations on the business aspect they represent and the information they should display.

You can use the templates as the basis for active Scorecard, Perspective, Objective, KPI, and Metric that are used to create the Dashboard display and to show data that enables the end-user to see if the enterprise objectives are met or not.

The KPI Library pane can contain several trees. A tree can be a Scorecard tree or a directory tree. A directory tree includes only directories, KPIs, and Metrics.

ClosedAbout the Active KPIs

The Active KPIs pane is part of the Studio. It contains only one tree that can include the active Scorecards, their Perspectives, Objectives, KPIs and KPI Breakdowns. It also includes the Public Metrics and KPIs directory that includes the Metrics, and Unassigned KPIs and their Breakdowns. Unassigned KPIs or Metrics are used when the user does not work with Scorecards, Perspectives, and Objectives.

Active Scorecard, Perspective, Objectives, KPIs, and Metrics are the building blocks of the elements (components and pages) the Executive end-user views in the Dashboard.

You can add to the pool of out-of-the-box elements that are used to create the Dashboard display, by dragging the relevant Scorecard, Perspective, Objective, KPI, and Metric templates from the KPI Library pane to the Active KPIs pane.

You can modify the active entities in the Active KPIs pane. For task details, see Create Active Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, Metrics, or KPIs.

In the Studio's KPI Library pane or Active KPIs pane, you can view the template or active Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, Folders, KPIs, and Metrics organized in tree structures.

ClosedAbout Trees


The KPI Library pane may include several trees. These trees can include Scorecards, Unassigned KPIs, or Metrics, or Folders. Template KPIs are unassigned when they are not included in any Objective in the relevant Scorecard tree or in any Folder in the relevant Folder tree. So for each Scorecard tree or Folder, the Unassigned KPIs can be different.

The Active KPIs pane includes one tree that can include one or more Scorecard trees as well as the Public Metrics and KPIs directory.

Scorecards are indicated by or . Each Scorecard is in itself a tree that can include some Perspectives (indicated by or ). Each Perspective includes some Objectives (indicated by or ). Each Objective includes either child Objectives or KPIs (but not both). KPIs are indicated by or .

The names of the nodes (Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, and KPIs) are unique for the same hierarchical level.

Metrics are indicated by or .

Each KPI can include KPI Breakdowns (indicated by ). KPI Breakdowns can also include KPI Breakdowns.

Each Metric can include Metric Breakdowns (indicated by ). Metric Breakdowns can also include Metric Breakdowns.

Note  KPI/Metric Breakdowns can be configured for active KPIs or Metrics; they do not exist in the KPI Library. They are displayed only in the Active KPIs pane. For details, see KPI Breakdowns.


In the Active KPIs pane, you can add active KPIs or Metrics, Objectives, and Perspectives to existing Scorecards. For task details, see Create Active Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, Metrics, or KPIs.

  1. ClosedPrerequisite - Interview the Dashboard End-User

    To design the end-user's scorecards, you must interview the end-user to understand what are his business objectives and see if the out-of-the-box nodes are appropriate of if they should be customized.

    For details, see Executive Personas and their Business Challenges...

  2. ClosedImport out-of-the-box templates - optional

    When you start IT Business Analytics, the out-of-the-box Scorecard, Perspective, Objective, KPI, or Metric templates, Folders, Unassigned KPI or Metric templates, and Dashboard components are automatically imported into the KPI Library pane.

    You may want to import additional templates (for example, if you have upgraded to a new version and you want to keep your former templates). For details, seeImport or Export Contexts, Data, KPIs, Metrics, Trees, Pages, or Components .

  3. ClosedActivate Scorecards, their Perspectives, Objectives, and KPIs

    IT Business Analytics provides out-of-the-box Scorecard templates in the KPI Library. You can drag the out-of-the-box Scorecard templates from the KPI Library to the Active KPIs pane to activate them. In the Active KPIs pane, you can then customize, clone, or create new Scorecards.

    You can do the same for Perspective templates, Objective templates, and KPI or Metric templates.

    For details, see Activate Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, Metrics, or KPIs Using Templates.

  4. ClosedCreate Active Scorecards, their Perspectives, Objectives, KPIs, and Metrics

    You can create new active Scorecards, their Perspectives, Objectives, KPIs and Metrics. For details, see Create Active Scorecards, Perspectives, Objectives, Metrics, or KPIs.

  5. ClosedCustomize Scorecards, their Perspectives, and Objectives

    You can customize out-of-the-box Scorecards, their Perspectives, and Objectives. For details, see Scorecard Configuration Details, Perspective Configuration Details, or Objective Configuration Details.

  6. ClosedCustomize KPIs or Metrics

    You can customize KPIs or Metrics by:

  7. ClosedEnrich the Executive Dashboard Display

    You can enrich the Executive Dashboard display by:

  8. ClosedCalculate for the current period, recalculate for the historical period, or schedule the calculation

    After you complete the customization and enrichment of the Scorecards and their contents, you can either:

    • Wait for the automatic scheduled calculation to take place.
    • Activate the calculation of the values, statuses, and scores of the Objectives, KPIs or Metrics to display the resulting information in the Dashboard. For details, see Calculation.
    • Activate the recalculation of the values, statuses, and scores of the Objectives, KPIs or Metrics for a historical (past) period to display the resulting information in the Dashboard. For details, see Recalculation.

    You can schedule the calculation of specific business context automatically. For details, see Calculation Scheduling.

  9. ClosedOut-of-the-box Dashboard Pages

    The Executive can view the relevant information on the out-of-the-box pages in the Dashboard. For details, see Dashboard.

  10. ClosedPrepare the Dashboard Display

    You can also create pages, enrich pages with additional components, create components, and wire the components so selecting a specific element in one component impacts the display of other components in the page. For details, see Dashboard Display.