Baseline attributes

Each baseline record requires one or more baseline attributes. Baseline attributes are a list of fields that have a predefined expected value. Each baseline attribute lists both an attribute name and an attribute value. The attribute name is the field that contains the expected value. The attribute value is the value ITSMA Service Management expects to find in the CI record.

Note To make selecting expected values easier, Service Management provides lists or lookups to help you select the attribute values of some fields. If an attribute value provides such an option, you can either select an existing value or type in a new value.

CI compliance with baseline

If a CI field matches the expected value in the baseline, then that field is in compliance with the baseline. If a CI field does not match the expected value in the baseline, then the field is out of compliance with the baseline, and Service Management marks the entire CI record as out of compliance with the baseline. For example, suppose you have a baseline record that manages PCs and that contains attributes for the operating system, operating system version, and manufacturer fields. If any one of these fields has a value other than the value listed in the baseline record's attribute fields, then the CI record for the PC is out of compliance with the baseline.

Changing baseline attributes

You can only change baseline attributes when the baseline record is in the analysis, design, or develop status. After a baseline record reaches the authorized state, the baseline attributes for that version cannot be changed. To change attributes of an authorized baseline requires either creating a new baseline version or creating an entirely new baseline record. Baseline records in the retiring and retired status also require a new version or a new record to change baseline attributes.

Selecting baseline device types

When you create a baseline, you select the device type that manages the baseline. Each device type maps to a Service Management join table that contains a list of attributes relevant to the CI. For example, if you select the device type computer, then you can select attributes relevant to computers such as OS manufacturer, BIOS manufacturer, or display manufacturer.

When selecting baseline attributes, you can select fields from either the device table or the associated device type join table. However, after you create a baseline record, you cannot change the baseline's device type. You must create a new baseline record and select a different device type to view attributes from a different device type.