Baseline versions

You can enable baseline versions to manage how many different versions are available for a given baseline name. ITSMA Service Management controls baseline versions from the Configuration Management environment record. By enabling the Enforce Baseline Version Control option, you can set the number of available levels (the number of decimal separators), the initial value of each level, and the number of increments available for each level. The following table describes how the baseline version control fields determine the maximum number of versions available for a baseline.

Field name Default value Possible values Description
Available level 5 levels 1 to 5 levels. Service Management only supports up to 5 levels. The number of decimal places of the baseline version.
Initial value 0-9. The initial value should not be higher than the maximum increment. The starting value of the version level.
Maximum increment 5 0-9. The maximum value should be greater than or equal to the initial value. The maximum value of the version level.

You can create a maximum of ten thousand (10,000) baseline versions from to To minimize the number of baseline versions, you can delete one or more of the higher available levels. For example, to restrict the maximum number of baseline versions to one thousand (1,000), you can delete levels 4 and 5, but not levels 1 and 2.

A new baseline version must be of the same device type and attributes as the original version, but the new version is a separate record that starts in the analysis status. You can modify baseline attributes or attribute values as needed in the new baseline record, but the device type is fixed.

You can only create a new baseline version from the most recent version of the baseline record. For example, if you have a baseline consisting of three versions (,, and, then you can only create a new baseline version from the baseline record. The baseline record can be in any status.