Retire a baseline

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can retire a baseline record when you no longer want to associate configuration items (CIs) to it. After you retire a baseline record, you can no longer associate CIs to it, but you can create a new version.

Note You can only retire a baseline record that does not have any associated CIs. You can always retire baselines records that are in the Analysis, Design, and Develop states because those states do not have associated CIs. You must disassociate CIs from a baseline before you can retire the baseline.

To retire a baseline, follow these steps:

  1. Click Configuration Management > Resources > Baseline.

  2. Type any search criteria that you want to use to find the baseline record.
  3. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.
  4. Select the baseline record that you want to retire from the list of search results. ITSMA Service Management displays the details of the selected baseline record.

  5. Click Retiring in the Status field.
  6. Click Save. Service Management marks the baseline record as Retiring, and you can now disassociate CIs from it.

  7. Search for CIs that are associated to the baseline you want to retire. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Configuration Management > Resources > Search CIs.

    2. Click the Advanced Filter tab.
    3. Click the Add New Filter Criteria button. Service Management opens the Add Filter Criteria wizard.

    4. Select the following filtering criteria.

      Field in Configuration ItemComparisonValue
      BaselineEquals<Baseline name>

      For <Baseline name>, select the baseline you want to retire.

    5. Click Search. Service Management opens a list of CI records that are associated to the baseline you want to retire.

  8. Disassociate the CIs from the baseline you want to retire. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Mass Update. Service Management opens a list of fields you can update.

    2. Select the following mass update values.

      Baseline<New baseline name>
      Baseline Version<New baseline version number>

      For <New baseline name>, type the name of the new baseline you want to manage the CIs.

      For <New baseline version number>, type the version number of the new baseline you want to manage the CIs. Do not add this field if you are not using baseline versions.

    3. Click Execute. Service Management updates the CI records to use the new baseline name and version.

  9. Retire the baseline. To do this, follow these steps:
    1. Click Configuration Management > Resources > Baseline.

    2. Use search or advanced search to find one or more records.
    3. Select the baseline record you want to retire from the list of search results. Service Management displays the details of the selected baseline record.

    4. Click Retired in the Status field.

      Note Service Management displays an error message if you attempt to retire a baseline that still has associated CIs.

    5. Click Save. Service Management marks the baseline record as retired.