Use > Service Manager Reports > My reports > Create a report > Report calculation chart properties

Report calculation chart properties

ITSMA Service Management provides calculation functionality to reorganize the standard report data. You can configure the properties to display in the same report both the raw data from the system and the new data calculated from the raw data. The configured report can display the data of up to five standard reports together with several calculation results based on the standard reports.

  • It may take some time if you configure to calculate the raw duration for historical data after your server is upgraded to Service Management 9.41.
  • The content in a shared standard report varies depending on the report viewer’s privilege. However, the content in a shared calculation or duration report only displays the data information based on the report owner's privilege. The reports which are calculated from the back end apply the same language as which the report owner defines in the My Preference settings.
  • To process the report data, make sure that all the background schedule processes for reporting are started. For details about how to start the background schedule, see Report background schedule process.

Here are the calculation setting preferences for your reference.

Note Select Calculation from the drop-down box next to the Type of chart field, and then you can see the calculation properties.

Fields Description
Type of chart

Shows the current chart type. You can change the chart type by selecting the chart type from the drop-down list.

Note Report calculation capability does not support the List or Pivot table types of report.

Run in Frontend

If this option is selected, the current calculation report can be run immediately. When clicking the Refresh button on the Preview tab of a saved report, the system generates a preview of the current report at once. The related report running task will be removed from the background queue if it was run in backend before. HPE does not recommend to run a calculation report frequently because this report type consumes considerable database resources.

Note After you select Run in Frontend, both the Refresh Interval drop-down list and the Run Now button become unavailable.

Refresh Interval Specifies the interval at which a new report is generated according to your report configurations.
Run Now

Click this button to send the current calculation report to the processing queue. This also enables the report to get the latest source data from the system.

Note This button is only available for a saved report.


Shows the data aggregation method. For different chart types, the report calculation supports different aggregation types, including: sum, count, average, max, and min.

Note When you select the count aggregation type, the Time Duration option is invisible. When you select the sum, average, max, or min aggregation types, you can select the Time Duration option to enable the Duration Unit drop-down list. Service Management provides second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year for Duration Unit field.

Trend field

Shows the trend field for the report. It should be a date time type of field. You can select multiple level fields by clicking the Multi Level Field icon in the calculation report.

Note This field is only available for some type of charts.

Stacked field

Shows the field that the records are stacked by in the report. You can select multiple level fields by clicking the Multi Level Field icon.

Note This field is only available for some type of charts.

Group By Field

Selects the field in the report for calculation. For example, one report might show the number of Incidents by customer; another report might show the number of Incidents by priority.

You can select multiple level fields by clicking the Multi Level Field icon. If you choose a field of date or time, you need to choose a calculator. Service Management provides year, quarter, month, week, and date for "datetime type" field.

Note You can specify up to five standard reports. If you select the check box for one of the calculation fields, the standard report for this field is displayed together in the final report. However, the label is the field name by default. If you want to specify a customized label, you can add this field name directly to the calculation formula and then specify the label.

Metrics Field

Selects the aggregation value used for calculation from the drop-down list.

Query Shows the query content for the current report. You can click the Query Builder to define the query to display desired information. You can also write a new query directly. For more information about how to edit a query, see Build the query strings and other related topics.
Test Query Validates the query. A new message pops up to display the diagnostic information for this query string.
Calculation Formula

Specifies the calculation formula you defined for this report. ITSMA Service Management supports +, -, *, /, (), and numbers in the formula. For example, you can define a formula as (A1+A2)/A3*100. You can add a label for this calculation formula, and the label is displayed as the legend in the report.

If you want to use the data in a standard report, or a calculated result to compare with a constant, you can specify the constant as one variable in this section. In this case, in the final report, the constant is displayed as a straight line and you can view the contrast of your data and this base line.

X-Axis Label

Specifies the label for the X-axis in the report.

Note This label field is not available for Pie charts.

Y-Axis Label

Specifies the label for the Y-axis in the report.

Note This label field is not available for Pie and Number charts.