Use > Service Manager Reports > Service Manager Reports user roles

Service Manager Reports user roles

The Service Management Reports module has the following user roles, , each of which has different rights for reports.

    View Update/Delete Create Set Audience Set Owner
Report Viewer As an owner N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
As an audience Yes No N/A No No
Report Designer As an owner Yes Yes Yes No No
As an audience Yes Yes1You need to have the update privilege when the owner shares the report with you. N/A No No
Report Manager As an owner Yes Yes Yes Yes2You can only set the audience to all the audience type except everyone. No
As an audience Yes Yes3You need to have the update privilege when the owner shares the report with you. N/A No No
Not as an audience No No N/A No No
Report Administrator As an owner Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
As an audience Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes
Not as an audience Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes

Note Only the report administrator can share a report or dashboard with everyone. If a report or dashboard is shared with everyone, then only the owner or report administrator can update this report or dashboard.