Use > Service Manager Reports > Migrate MySM content

Migrate MySM content

Service Management Reports can incorporate the charts and pages created in MySM by providing you with a migration script. After you upgrade to Service Management 9.4x, MySM will be disabled. You can run the migration script to migrate the MySM content to Service Management Reports.

Content before migration Content after migration Migration mechanism
Capability Words User roles All users who have MySM capability words are Report Managers. They will be in the same query group of MySM.
Charts Reports Convert public charts to shared reports and share them to MySM query group. The migrated reports names are MySM_<mysmComponentName>_<mysmComponentID> (global). The user’s own chart will only be viewed by this user.
Pages Dashboards Convert public pages to shared dashboards and share them to MySM query group. The migrated dashboards name are MySM_<mysmPageName>_<mysmPageID> (global). The user’s own page will only be viewed by this user.
Filter of charts Query of reports Incorporate filter conditions into a query.

To migrate all the MySM charts and pages, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Service Management.
  2. Type migratemysm in the command field and press Enter. A MySM Migration Tool interface is displayed.
  3. Click the Migrate MySM link from the interface to start the migration.