Use > Service Manager Reports > Report administration > Enable Replicated Database

Enable Replicated Database

Generating the reports from the server will consume additional system resources (memory and CPU). Service Management provides the database replication to preserve Production Database performance.

Before you enable Replicated Database for Service Management Reports, prepare a database with the same database type and version as the Production Database. For example, if your Service Management uses an SQL Server database, the replicated database should be an SQL Server database of the same version. Perform database synchronization periodically by using the standard database synchronization mechanism.

To enable Replicated Database, follow these steps:

  1. Open the sm.ini file, located in the <Service Manager installation path>\Server\RUN folder.
  2. Add the Replicated Database parameter and value to the file. For example:

    [your database type_replicate]

    Note Change "your database type" to one of the following values: oracle, sqlserver, and db2universal. Additionally, the three parameter lines of Replicated Database should be in one block in the sm.ini file.

  3. Save the sm.ini file.