Use > Service Manager Reports > Report administration > Configure report settings

Configure report settings

Administrators can configure some global settings for the Service Management Report module.

To configure the report settings, follow these steps:

  1. Click Reporting > Administration > Report Settings.

    The Report Settings form opens, in which Report Module settings and report property fields are automatically populated.

  2. Specify the settings on the form, as described in the following table.
  3. Attribute Description Default value
    Enable dashboard auto refresh in the front end

    This option shows or hides the Support Auto Refresh check box in each dashboard.

    • If this option is selected, the check box is displayed. Users can then enable automatic refresh for a specific dashboard and then select a refresh interval.
    • If this option is not selected, the check box is hidden in each dashboard and automatic refresh is disabled for all dashboards.
    Enable dashboard auto refresh for audience

    This option enables a dashboard that has auto refresh enabled to be automatically refreshed for the audience of the dashboard.

    If this option is selected, when the report data contained in the dashboard has changed, the dashboard is automatically refreshed for the dashboard audience based on the specified refresh interval.

    Note For performance considerations, this option is disabled by default and the dashboard is automatically refreshed only for the dashboard owner.

    Enable processing for time duration reporting data If this option is selected, the Service Management time duration reporting data is processed by the system and ready for use. Users can select tables containing the processed data to generate reports. If this option is not selected, all tables for time duration reporting are disabled. Enabled
    Enable reporting If this option is selected, the Service Management Reports feature is enabled and users can access the Service Management Reports module from the navigation pane. If this option is not selected, the Service Management Reports module is invisible from the navigation pane and only the administrator can enable it by selecting this option. Enabled
    Export HTML reports to file server by default If this option is selected, Service Management generates HTML files while exporting the scheduled reports or dashboards to the file server. Enabled
    Export PDF reports to file server by default If this option is selected, Service Management generates PDF files while exporting the scheduled reports or dashboards to the file server. Disabled
    Export reports to file server by default If this option is selected, Service Management sends the exported reports or dashboards to the file server by default. Disabled
    Export reports via email by default If this option is selected, Service Management sends the exported reports or dashboards via email by default. Enabled
    Stop exporting reports via email If this option is selected, the system stops sending any reports or dashboards via email. If the scheduled report is sent via email only, selecting this option will terminate all scheduled tasks. Disabled
    Use production database when replicated database is disabled

    If this option is selected, Service Management disables Replicated Database and uses Production Database to generate the reports. When Replicated Database is disabled, or if there is any problem with Replicated Database, selecting this option can switch all the reports to Production Database.

    Note Switching all the reports to Production Database can increase the number of queries to Production Database and thus have an impact on system performance.

    Use replicated database by default when users create report

    If this option is selected, the user is creating a new report by using the Replicated Database by default, which will enable Service Management to generate the report data from Replicated Database.

    Make sure that a Replicated Database is already set up and enabled before this option takes effect. For more information about how to enable Replicated Database, see Enable Replicated Database.

    Default max records displayed in a report Specifies the default maximum number of records displayed in a report. 12
    Default decimal places Specifies the default decimal places in reports. 2
    Default donut value for pie chart (0-90) Specifies the default donut value for pie charts. 35
    Max number of active dashboards that can automatically refresh

    Specifies, at the system level, the maximum number of active dashboards that can automatically refresh.

    Note When two or more users are viewing the same dashboard concurrently, it is regarded as one dashboard.

    Max number of records from a list report that can be exported in the back end Specifies the maximum number of records that a report schedule can export from a report of the List type. 200
    Discard scheduled tasks expired more than (days) Specifies the number of days before expired tasks are discarded. The default value for this is one, which means if a scheduled task has expired for more than one day, then the task is discarded. 1
    Max background calculation threads per process Specifies the maximum number of background threads per process to calculate formulas defined for the report generation. 1
    Max records to process each time Specifies the maximum number of records to process each time. The records to be processed are used for time duration. 200
    Max report-exporting threads per process Specifies the maximum number of threads per process to execute export operations. The default value for this is 1 and you need to add more threads when many reports or dashboards are scheduled. When Service Management performs too many scheduled tasks, it requires more threads to perform different tasks at the same time. Allowing too many threads per process could also have an impact on system performance. 1
    Max report-preparing threads per process Specifies the maximum number of threads per process to prepare reports or dashboards data. The default value for this is 1 and you need to add more threads when many reports or dashboards are scheduled. When Service Management performs too many scheduled tasks, it requires more threads to perform different tasks at the same time. Allowing too many threads per process could also have an impact on system performance. 1
    Max reports per dashboard Specifies the maximum number of reports allowed in a single dashboard. 8
    Max reports/dashboards per scheduled task Specifies the maximum number of reports and dashboards allowed in each scheduled task. This number controls the attachments in an email. 5
    Report performance log clean up interval (days) Specifies the interval to clean up the report performance log. 365
    Time threshold for report generation in production database (milliseconds) Specifies the time threshold for report generation in Production Database in milliseconds. Service Management monitors the time spent on report generation and provides the information in the report performance log. If the actual time spent on generating a report exceeds this time threshold, this report is displayed as a slow report on the Report Running Status dashboard. For more information about how to handle the slow reports, see Monitor report running status . 500
    Time threshold for report generation in Replicated Database (milliseconds) Specifies the time threshold for report generation in the Replicated Database in milliseconds. Service Management monitors the time spent on report generation and provides the information in the report performance log. If the actual time spent on generating a report exceeds this time threshold, this report is displayed as a slow report on the Report Running Status dashboard. For more information about how to handle the slow reports, see Monitor report running status . 500
    Location for exported reports

    Specify a file server directory in which report users can access the generated reports. When a user creates a report schedule and saves it, a message is sent to the user (who may or may not be the report schedule owner), indicating that the generated reports can be found in this directory.

    Note If this location is left empty, the user will not receive this message.

    It can be the same directory as specified in the dashboard_export_path server parameter or another shared drive in which the generated reports are made available.

    Note The dashboard_export_path server parameter specifies the location to which Service Management exports the generated reports.

    For example, if you specify dashboard_export_path:C:\Reports in the Service Management Server's sm.ini file and store the generated reports in the Reports folder on another file server for user access, you can specify the following value for this setting:

    \\<host name of another file server>\Reports


  4. Click Save.