CI Resolution

It is necessary to identify the CI in the RTSM to which an event is associated. Many data sources do not use RTSM IDs but provide other data that can be used by the CI Resolver to identify the associated CI.

An event may include the following information:

This uniquely identifies the CI as the disc C on the system

CI resolution is used to resolve CI-related information or CI hints to CIs for the following purposes:

  • Node Resolution. The CI Resolver is used to identify the host system in the RTSM associated with the selected event. If a Node Hint is included in the event, it is used to identify the node.

    If the Node Hint is not available, the hints HostInfo, CiInfo, and Service ID are examined in this order to identify a related Node CI.

  • Source CI Resolution. Source CI resolution is used to identify the event source CI and uses the SourceHint attribute of an event. If the SourceHint attribute of an event is also not available, the CI Resolver separates the natural keys contained within the event and attempts to identify the related CI.

  • Related CI Resolution. Related CI resolution first looks for a value for CiHint information. If this is not available, the Service ID from OM topology synchronization is used. If information from topology synchronization is also not available, the CI Resolver separates the natural keys contained within the event and attempts to identify the related CI.

    ETI Hint: The ETI hint field is also used by Related CI resolution for matching of a CI. See CI Resolution for details.

The hints used to identify the related CI, node, source CI and ETI of an event are displayed in the Resolver Hints tab of the Event browser. See Resolver Hints for details.

Note CI resolution may not work as expected if the host and the CIs hosted on that host share the same name. For example, using a database CI host-123 on a host host-123 may assign an event to the host when using the CI hint database:host-123@@host-123.
To avoid CI resolution issues, use different names or add additional, unique attributes to the CI hint.


Troubleshooting and Limitations