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Identifying Running Software by Processes

An application is identified by the existence of one or more running processes which are defined by their names and by command line (optional).

A process can be optionally marked as a key process or as a main process.

An application is identified if the following holds true:

  • At least one process was found.

  • All processes that are marked as key processes exist.

If an application is identified, a result RunningSoftware CI is created for the application obeying the following rules:

  • If none of the processes is marked as a main process, a single RunningSoftware CI will be created, linked to all discovered processes by dependency relationships.

  • If there are processes that are marked as main processes, a RunningSoftware CI will be created for each instance of these main processes.

For example, assume that rules are defined for the identification of two applications, application_a and application_b:

  • application_a is identified by proc.exe and unique_ proc_a.exe.

  • application_b is identified by proc.exe and unique_ proc_b.exe.

Say that proc.exe is found but none of its processes are marked as key or main processes. In this case, RunningSoftware CIs are created for both application_a and application_b. These CIs are linked by a dependency relationship to the same process (that is, proc.exe).

Assume too that unique_proc_a.exe and unique_proc_b.exe are marked as key processes:

  • If the proc.exe process only is discovered, a RunningSoftware CI is not created.

  • If unique_ proc_a.exe is discovered, RunningSoftware CIs are created for application_a linked by a dependency link to unique_ proc_a.exe. If in addition, proc.exe is discovered, it is linked to the same CI. The same holds for application_b.

Assume that two instances of unique_proc_a.exe are discovered:

  • If the process is not marked as a main process, a single RunningSoftware CI is created for application_a linked to both processes.

  • If the process is marked as a main process, two separate RunningSoftware CIs are created for application_a.

For details on the key field in the Software Identification Rule Editor dialog box, see Identifying Processes.

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