Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Adapter Management > Adapter Configuration > How to Define CITs to be Deleted by Java-based Population Adapters

Define CITs to be Deleted by Java-based Population Adapters

This task describes how to define CITs to be deleted by population jobs that use Java-based population adapters.

  1. Open the population adapter's configuration file.

  2. Under the <taskInfo> tag, locate the <remove-cis> tag.

    If this tag does not exist, create it.

  3. Under the <remove-cis> tag, add the CITs to be removed using the format in the following example:

        <remove-cis isEnabled="false">
  4. Save the configuration file.

Note When defining integration jobs that use the population adapter, to configure the job to delete CITs as defined in the adapter, ensure that the Allow Integration Job to delete removed data option is selected. For details, see New Integration Job/Edit Integration Job Dialog Box.

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