Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Reconciliation > Data Reconciliation > Multiple CI Matching - Example 1

Multiple CI Matching - Example 1

The following example demonstrates how the Data-In service matches multiple with different identification criteria where there are no conflicts.

  1. The input bulk data is received.

  2. The service identifies matching CIs in the RTSM

    In this example, the input node matches four nodes in the RTSM having different identification criteria.

  3. The service merges the input CI with each matching CI in the RTSM.

  4. The service checks for conflicts between the resulting merged CIs.

    Nodes N2, N3, and N4 are the same CI; therefore, it is obvious that there is no conflict between them. The only difference between nodes N1 and N2 is the additional MAC address in N1. Since the MAC address match validation criterion uses the contains operator, there is no conflict between nodes N1 and N2 either.

    Conclusion: There are no conflicts with any of the RTSM matching nodes.

  5. Decision: The Data-In service merges all of the CIs into one CI.

    For details on how the CIs are merged into one CI, see Merging Matched CIs Using Reconciliation Priority Rules.

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