Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Reconciliation > Data Reconciliation > Merging Matched CIs Using Reconciliation Priority Rules

Merging Matched CIs Using Reconciliation Priority Rules

During Data In and federation, when a CI is matched with another CI, they need to be merged. Reconciliation priorities, defined using the Reconciliation Priority Manager, are conflict resolution rules that determine how the matched CIs are merged.

This behavior becomes relevant in the following situations:

  • Data In. The Reconciliation Priority Manager determines whether or not to insert an already existing CI into the RTSM.

  • Federation. The Reconciliation Priority Manager determines how to handle a CI when multiple data repositories supply the same CI with different values.

To solve this problem, you can define priorities for each data repository to each CIT and attribute.

Note The default value for the setting is UCMDB-UI,UCMDB,Encrichment. A CI updated by any of these datastores will reset the priority to 100 (default). This means that the next merge which has priority greater than 100 will update the CI.

For details, see Add Reconciliation Priorities to a CI Type.

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