Integration Studio Overview

The Integration Studio is where you manage your RTSM integration points and connect and share information with external repositories, such as other RTSMs, IT Performance Suite products, or third-party products.

Integration with other products is performed over secure communication channels through Data Flow Probes.

Integration points in the RTSM are based on adapters, which are entities that are capable of communicating with external data repositories. A basic set of adapters is provided with the RTSM; however, you can create additional adapters using the Federation Framework SDK. For details, see Add an Adapter for a New External Data Source.

You can also create adapters in the Adapter Management module. For details, see Resources Pane.

For details about how to set up integration points for data integrations, see Integration Studio Page.

Note The following OOTB adapters deployed should not be deleted:

  • HistoryDataSource - A federation adapter of UCMDB with its history data. You can build TQL queries to check the history changes of CIs. For example, attribute changes.
  • UCMDBDiscovery - Not a real adapter. It is based on the API adapter and its only usage is to allow you to configure reconciliation priority of all discovery jobs with other integrations jobs from other data sources.

Integration points can be of one of the following types:

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