Work with Data Push Jobs

This task explains how to schedule data push jobs and select the queries that are used to send data from the RTSM to another data repository.

Note In case of UCMDB being configured with Multi-Tenancy, this is the context in which the job is run and which may affect push job TQL result:

  1. When a user creates a push job, from now on the user will be the owner of it (the old push jobs will have no user). You can check the user from the JMX console (go to JMX console > UCMDB:service=URM Services, invoke the listResources JMX method by entering customer ID and Integration_PUSH_CONFIG as the resourceType value. On the returned result page, click the integration push job created, and then check the <created-by> tag). This user tenant may be used.
  2. When this push job is triggered via the Full Synchronization button from the UCMDB UI, it will be executed in the context of the logged in user. This means that, only the resources assigned to tenants of the logged in user will be pushed. (Similar for a Delta Synchronization)
  3. When a job is triggered via the scheduler, it will be executed only in the context of the sync job owner user, which created the sync job.
  4. If a job owner does not exist in case of scheduling, it will be executed in the context of the sysadmin user.(For example, for the old push jobs that have no user.)
  5. In case of scheduling, if the user that is the owner of a sync job does not exist, the push job will fail.

    In the ucmdb.synchronizer.log file, the following error will be logged:

    Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: User with id {<userName>} does not exist

    The solution is to re-create the sync job or update the created_by tag of the sync job with an user that exists in UCMDB.

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