<Protocol> Details Pane

Enables you to manage protocol connection credentials.

UI Element (A–Z) Description
Create New Connection Details. Opens the Protocol Parameters dialog box, enabling you to define a connection credential for the selected protocol type. For details, see Protocol Parameter Dialog Box.
Remove Connection Details. Removes the selected connection credential.
Edit Connection Details. Opens the Protocol Parameters dialog box, enabling you to edit the selected connection credential. For details, see Protocol Parameter Dialog Box.
Copy/Move selected credential to another domain. Enables you to copy/move the selected credential to another domain in the Domains and Probes tree.

Export Certificate for Manual Agent Deployment. Enables you to export the Universal Discovery Agent certificate when installing the Universal Discovery Agent manually. For details, see Install the Universal Discovery Agent Manually.

Available for: Universal Discovery Protocol only.

Import DDMI Certificates. Opens the Universal Discovery Protocol Parameters dialog box, enabling you to import certificates during a migration from DDMI to Universal Discovery. For details on the dialog box, see Protocol Parameter Dialog Box. For details on the DDMI migration, see the UCMDB Help.

Available for: Universal Discovery Protocol only.

Move entry up/Move entry down. Enables you to move credential connections up or down to set the order in which credential sets are attempted. RTSM tries to connect using all the credential sets in the list, with the first set taking priority.
<Protocol connection details grid>

Displays the connection credentials defined for the protocol type selected in the Domains and Probes tree on the left. The details displayed in this section vary from protocol type to protocol type. For details, see the relevant protocol information as described in the Supported Protocols section in the UCMDB Help.

All protocol credentials include the following parameters:

  • Index. Indicates the order in which credential instances are selected to make a connection attempt. The lower the index, the higher the priority.

    Default: Credentials are added with an auto-increasing index value. To update the index, use the arrows buttons ().

  • Scope. To change the range that a protocol must discover or to select a Probe or probe cluster, click Edit. For details, see Protocol Parameter Dialog Box.

    Default: ALL

  • User Label. Enables you to enter a label to help you identify the protocol credential when you use it later.

    Syntax: Maximum of 50 characters

<right-click menu>

When you right-click connection credential, choose from the following options:

  • Edit. Enables you to enter protocol parameters, such as user name and password, that enable connection to an application on a remote machine.

  • Edit using previous interface. Choose this option under any of the following circumstances:

    • In a previous version of RTSM, you added parameters to this protocol that do not exist in this version.

    • Values in this version cannot be deleted. For example, in this version you cannot configure Generic DB (SQL) Protocol credentials with an empty port number. Select this option to open the previous Edit Protocol Parameter dialog box and delete the port number.

  • Copy/Move to another domain. Enables you to copy/move the selected protocol credential to another domain in the Domains and Probes tree.
  • Check credential. Opens the Check Credential dialog box, where you specify the host name or IP address (in IPv4/IPv6 format) of the remote machine on which the protocol must run, and specify a connection timeout (in milliseconds).

    • If you enter an IP address, the system populates the Data Flow Probe field with the Probe whose ranges include the IP address. If the system cannot find a Probe associated with the IP address, you must select a Probe manually from the Data Flow Probe drop-down list.
    • If you enter a host name, you must select a Probe in the Data Flow Probe drop-down list. The Probe tries to resolve the name to a valid IP address using the DNS server specified on the Probe.

    The selected Probe attempts to connect to the remote machine within the specified timeout and returns an answer as to whether the connection succeeded or not. If the connection is not successful, click Details for a description of the error.

  • Export public certificates. Opens the Export dialog box, enabling you to export the UD Agent certificate when deploying the UD Agent manually. For details, see Install the Universal Discovery Agent Manually.

    Available for: Universal Discovery Protocol only.

<right-click a column heading>

Choose from the following options:

  • Hide Column. Displayed when a column is shown.

  • Show All Columns. Displayed when a column is hidden.

  • Select Columns. Select to choose which columns to display or to change the display order of the columns.

  • Auto-resize Column. Select to change the column width to fit the contents.