Install > Deploy the OMi Virtual Appliance > Deploying the Virtual Appliance > Deploying from the VMware vSphere Console

Deploying from the VMware vSphere Console

To deploy the Virtual Appliance from the VMware vSphere console:

  1. Log in to the VMware vSphere console.
  2. Click File > Deploy OVF Template.

    The Deploy OVF Template window opens.

  3. In Source, select the OMi Virtual Appliance (HPE_OMi_10.60_VirtualAppliance.ova).
  4. In OVF Template Details, verify the OVF template-related information.
  5. In End User License Agreement, read the End User License Agreement and accept it.

  6. In Name and Location, specify the data center.
  7. In Host / Cluster, select the host system from the list of available systems.
  8. In Resource Pool, select the resource pool on which you want to run the OVF template.
  9. In Storage, select the destination storage for the new Virtual Appliance.

  10. In Disk Format, select the disk format. HPE recommends that you use the Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed option.

    Note Selecting the Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed option creates a virtual disk in a default thick format. Space required for the virtual disk is allocated when the virtual disk is created. Data remaining on the physical device is not erased during creation, but is zeroed out on demand at a later time on first write from the virtual machine.

  11. In Network Mapping, select the network from the list of available networks.
  12. In Properties, specify the networking configuration options if you use the static IP address (leave these options blank if you use DHCP).

  13. Review your settings and click Finish to start the deployment.

For additional information, see the ESXi and vCenter Server 5.5 Documentation.