Deploying by Using the Command Line

Prerequisite: Download the OVF tool from VMware.

To deploy the virtual appliance with OMi by using the VMware OVF tool, run the following command (if you use a static IP address):

ovftool --acceptAllEulas -n=<name of the appliance>
       --network=<name of the network> -ds=<data store name>
       --powerOn -dm=thin --prop:vami.ip0.OMi_VA =<static_IP_address>
       -- prop:vami.netmask0.OMi_VA =<Subnet_IP>
       -- prop:vami.gateway.OMi_VA =<gateway_IP>
       --prop:vami.DNS.OMi_VA =<dns_IP> <URL location_of_OVA_file>
        <URL vCenter host cluster location>

In this instance:

<name of the appliance> is the name to be assigned to the new virtual appliance.

<name of the network> is the name of the network where you want to deploy the virtual appliance.

<static_IP_address> is the static IP address of the virtual appliance.

<Subnet_IP> is the IP address of the subnet where you want to deploy the virtual appliance.

<gateway_IP> is the IP address of the gateway server for the virtual appliance.

<dns_IP> is the IP address of the DNS server for the virtual appliance.

<URL location_of_OVA_file> is the location where you stored the OMi OVA file.

<URL vCenter host cluster location> is the location in vCenter where the virtual appliance will be deployed.