Best Practices

The OMi Disaster Recovery process is not fully automated. The complexity of the system configuration and the high volume of data that is being synchronized can create challenges for administrators.

By using the following practices, you can create an environment where you can confidently recover from unforeseen problems.

To reduce the overall time it takes to fail over to the Disaster Recovery environment, consider the following guidelines:

  1. Check your environment setup and plan accordingly. Use the diagrams in this section and adapt them to conform with your environment.

  2. Modify the cleanup procedure to conform with your environment.

    Copy the cleanup procedure that is documented and make the appropriate changes needed for your environment. There are a number of parameters for which you must substitute real values. These include:

    • <context value>
    • <new value>
    • <key>
    • NewDatabasehostname
    • NEWDatabaseServerName
    • NEWSID
    • OLDSID
    • NEW_UID_name
    • OLD_UID_name
    • NEW_port_name
    • OLD_port_name

    These values should be known in your environment, so create a new document with these values populated. If you complete this exercise prior to a disaster recovery, you can avoid confusion and mistakes and save time because you do not need to look these values up.

  3. Practice

    Regularly practice disaster recovery during scheduled outages and regularly check your disaster recovery configuration for changes you applied in the live instance.

    If you practice disaster recovery regularly it becomes a routine operation rather than being an unfamiliar operation during a stressful time.