Develop > Service Health > Service Health Rules API > Include a CI property in Rules API calculations

Include a CI property in Rules API calculations

Within your API rules, you can include CI properties using the CI class getPropertyValue method, and the KPI class getCiProperty method. Only CI properties with one of the following qualifiers can be accessed with this method:



To add this attribute to a CI class you must export the class, edit the class definition, and import it back to the server. When you open the exported class for editing, add the following xml to the required attribute:

<Attribute name="<attribute-name>" type="double" display-name="<attribute-display-name>">
      <Attribute-Qualifier name="BLE_ATTRIBUTE"/>

To retrieve the CI property value of a CI using the API Group and Sibling Rule, you must restart marble_dashboard_tql:

  1. Access the RTSM JMX Console – <OMi_HOME_DPS>:21212/jmx-console/HtmlAdaptor?action=inspectMBean&name=UCMDB:service=TQL%20Services.

  2. Invoke retrieveTqlNames().

  3. Search for marble_dashboard_tql, and restart the TQL.