Administer > RTSM > RTSM Data Flow Management > Integrations > Integration Studio > New Integration Job/Edit Integration Job Dialog Box

New Integration Job/Edit Integration Job Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to create or edit population and data push jobs and to schedule them to be run at specific times.

To access Click on the Population or Data Push tabs.
Relevant tasks
See also

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z) Description

Enter a name for the job.

Note Naming conventions for jobs:

  • Job names can contain the following characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, hyphen (-), underscore (_), space ( )
  • Job names must not start with a digit or an underscore (_)
Job Definition area

Enables you select integration queries for the job definition. For details, see Job Definition.

Available for: Non-Jython adapters only.

Scheduler Definition area

Enables you to schedule when to run the integration job.

For data push jobs, you can set different schedules for all-data synchronization and change synchronization.

For details about the scheduling options, see Scheduler Definition.

Job Definition

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Add Query. Opens the Add Query dialog box, enabling you to add an available integration query to the job definition.
Delete Query. Enables you to delete the selected query from the job definition.
Move Query Up/Down. Enables you to determine the order in which the queries should run.
Edit Query Resources. Opens the Adapter Management page where you can edit the adapter resources. Only the resources defined by the adapter as related to the selected query are displayed in the Resources pane.
<Query table>

Displays the queries selected for the integration job.

For non-Jython-based Data Push jobs: Selecting a query's Allow Deletion check box enables the deletion of CIs or relationships for the query from the remote data repository. When you next perform a full synchronization, any CIs or relationships removed from the local RTSM are also deleted from the remote target.

Allow Integration Job to delete removed data

Enables the deletion of CIs or relationships per job from the local RTSM. When you next perform a full synchronization, any CIs or relationships removed from the remote source are also deleted from the local RTSM.

Available for: Non-Jython-based Population jobs only.

For details about defining CITs to be deleted by a Java-based population adapter, see Define CITs to be Deleted by Java-based Population Adapters.

Select the Job Type

Enables you to select the type of job queries to use for the integration.

  • Changes - History-based. CIs and direct links, not virtual links. Has better performance.

  • RMI - Full Topology Comparison. Supports CIs and all links types.

    Note Calculated links are not supported.

Available for: Service Manager Data Push jobs only

Enable live job

Select this option to set the job to a live data push job, which automatically performs delta synchronization when its TQL query result changes.

Note If you enable this option, the job's scheduler will be disabled.

For more information about live data jobs, see Live Data Push Jobs.

Available for: Data push jobs only.

Scheduler Definition

UI Element (A-Z) Description
Cron Expression Enter a Cron expression in the proper format. For a description of the fields used in Cron expressions and examples of how to use them, see Cron Expressions.
Delta Synchronization tab

Enables you to schedule a synchronization of the changes.

Available for: Data Push jobs only


Enables you to select when the job should stop running.

  • Never. The job continues to run until manually stopped.

  • Until. Enables you to select the date when the job should stop running.

Note This option is disabled when you select Once.

Full Synchronization tab

Enables you to schedule a synchronization of all the data.

Available for: Data Push jobs only


Enables you to select how often to run the integration job. The available options are:

  • Once. Runs the job only once.

  • Interval. Runs the job at a set time interval.

  • Day of Month. Runs the job on selected days of the month.

  • Weekly. Runs the job on a weekly basis, on the days of the week selected.

  • Monthly. Runs the job on a monthly basis, according to months selected.

  • Yearly. Runs the job every so-many years, according to the number of years specified.

  • Cron. Use a Cron expression to schedule a job. For a description of the fields used in Cron expressions and examples of how to use them, see Cron Expressions.

Repeat every

Enables you to type a value for the interval between successive runs.

Available: When you select Repeat > Interval or Yearly.

Unit of time:

  • Interval. Minutes; Hours; Days; Weeks

  • Yearly. Years

Repeat on
  • Sun - Sat. When you select Repeat > Weekly, enables you to select the day or days of the week to run the job.
  • January - December. When you select Repeat > Monthly, enables you to select the months of the year to run the job.
Repeat on the following dates every month

When you select Repeat > Day of Month, enables you select days of the month to run the job. The job runs every month.

To clear the selection click .

Scheduler enabled When selected, you can choose scheduling options for the integration job.
Server Time The time on the RTSM server.
Starts Enables you to select the date and time when you want the job to begin running.
Time Zone

Enables you to set the required time zone. To reset default settings, click Refresh
