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Working with Views in IT Universe Manager

In IT Universe Manager, you analyze data at the view level. Views are subsets of the IT Universe, containing only those CIs relating to a specific area of interest. All views are based on a pattern which determines the content of the view.

  • Pattern views and template-based views are built from a TQL (Topology Query Language) query that defines the structure of the view. The view displays only those CIs and relationships that satisfy the query definition.

  • Perspective-based views are built manually, by selecting a group of CIs and applying perspectives to them. A perspective is a pattern used to define which related CIs are included in the view.

You build all views in the Modeling Studio, using the appropriate editor for each view type. For information on the different view types and how they function, see View Formats.

Note You must have Update permissions for a view to edit the view. If you do not have the necessary permissions, contact your HPE Business Service Management Administrator.

CIs created by DFM are automatically added to each view where the CIs (and their relationships) fit the TQL definition for the view. When you open a view in the CI Selector, the TQL query for the view queries the RTSM for CIs that match the defined pattern. If there are no matches (for example, in the case of a view for a DFM process where the process has not yet run) then the view remains empty.

You can also include CIs from external data sources (federated CIs) in your view, by defining the query to run over integration points for federated data sources. The federated CIs appear in the view with an arrow icon indicating that they are from a federated source.

For details on federated data sources, see Integration Studio Overview.

Note For out-of-the-box queries that have integration points defined, the data source is set as UCMDB.

When you define a new CI while working in any view in IT Universe Manager, the CI (and any associated relationship) is created in the RTSM. The CI is added to your current view only if it meets the view's TQL specifications.

If the created CI and relationship do not meet the TQL requirements, then the CI and relationship are created in the RTSM but are not visible in the view. Similarly, if you attach an existing CI to a CI in the view, and the new pattern does not meet the TQL requirements, then the attached CIs do not appear in the view, but the relationship is still created.

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